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Teithiau i'r Alpau / Alps Trips

Yn fan hyn mi ddewch chi o hyd i'n teithiau i'r Alpau i Eirafyrddio ac i Sgio. Mae croeso i bawb o bob oed a lefelau, yn blant, oedolion, teuluoedd a grwpiau. Gall Pellennig drefnu y llety, transfers, ski passes, gwersi, hurio offer, adloniant gallwn hefyd awgrymu flights i chi.

Cyfle perffaith i ddod ar daith efo criwiau tebyg i chi, lot o hwyl, lot o gefnogaeth a creu ffrindiau oes.

Here you will find the latest regarding our trips to the alps for skiing and snowboarding. There's a warm welcome to anyone, all ages, all abilities, children, adults, families and groups. Pellennig can organise transfers from airport to the resort, accommodation, ski passes, ski and board hire, lessons, and a lot of fun, we can also recommend flights.

Perfect opportunity to go on a trip with like minded people, a lot of fun, support and  make new friends for life.

Les Gets 8-15.3.2025    Archebwch rwan!!  Book now!!

Awydd Taith i'r Alpau Ffrengig Gaeaf yma? Lle gwych ar gyfer chwaraeon eira, cerdded neu jyst mwynhau gologfeydd godidog.

Mae Eira Gwyn wedi trefnu taith i ardal sgio Les Gets.

Tref hardd ac hyfryd wrth droed un o ardaloedd sgio mwyaf y byd sef Portes du Soleil. Perffaith i grwpiau mawr a bach, unigolion, cyplau a theuluoedd.

Mi fydd staff Eira Gwyn yna gyda chi i wneud yn siwr fod gennych bopeth sydd ei angen ac yn mwynhau i'r eithaf.

Nawn ni gymryd y 'stress' i ffwrdd o'r holl beth a sortio popeth fyddwch chi ei angen yno.

Os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth neu i gofrestri diddordeb, neu fwcio cysylltwch.

Bedwyr 07931879879 neu

Prisau yn cychwyn o £330 y person am lety yn unig.

Modd ychwannegu nifer o bethau fel transfer, ski pass, offer, gwersi....


Fancy a holiday to the French Alps this Winter? A great place for snow sports, walking or just enjoying the stunning.

Eira Gwyn have organised a holiday to Les Gets. 8/3/25-15/3/25

A beautiful and picturesque town at the foot of one of the world's largest skiing areas, Portes du Soleil. Perfect for large and small groups, individuals, couples and families.

Eira Gwyn staff will be there with you to make sure you have everything you need and enjoy to the max.

We'll take 'stress' away from the whole thing and sort everything you'll need there.

If you would like more information or to register interest, or book please contact.

Bedwyr 07931879879 or

Prices start from £330 per person for accommodation only.

Possible to add extras like transfers, ski pass, equipment, lessons....

the chalet in les gets, in the snow
les gets in the snow

Rhai o Deithiau y Gorffennol / Some Past Trips

Wengen 22

Morzine 2013

Monte Rossa 2020

St Gervais 2023

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